Saturday, December 10, 2005

Invitation to Reconnect

The mindless clatter of my waking life
drowns out her whispers, forcing me to wait.
But in my dreams, she calls to me.
Her voice soft and clear.
Crisp like cold air.
She takes me by the hand
and leads me to the river's edge.
Challenges me to let go,
loose control,
and reconnect.
Let the waters rush over me
and cleanse my soul
from the outside in.
I worry about the darkest places
not getting the healing,
cleansing waters they need.
She assures me,
comforts me
as she pushes my head down
into the icy waters.
I wade
through the pain,
the darkness,
the waves of anguish
and awareness.
I wait for the waters
to work their magicks
and reuinte me with her,
with the ways I've always known were mine,
with myself.

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